
The city council of Podmoskovye approved the project of an industrial park Northern Sheremetyevo

18 сентября 2014
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The city council of the Moscow Oblast granted permission for put in operation a warehouse complex Northern Sheremetyevo (the 2nd turn, the 3rd stage). Two big warehouse bulks total area of which is more than 43 thousand sq. m. are already constructed. Check-points, 4 transformer stations, automobile repair shop (1480 sq. m.) and moderate waste treatment facilities for natural flows are also built.

Warehouses will be put into operation together with the already working warehouse N9 (total area 13 300 sq. m.) and warehouse N11 (39 300 sq. m.).

Successful construction provides a construction of 8 more warehouse bulks on area more than 350 000 sq. m. The construction also provides bulk equipment by new capacious parkings: for trucks – 585 places, for passenger vehicles – 938 parking places.

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