
Industrial park The Southern Gate will have new territory

18 сентября 2014
["{div class=objectGalleryCell style=\"background:url(\/images\/Industrialnyiy-park---Zvezda--.jpeg) center center \/ cover no-repeat;\"}{img src=\"\/images\/Industrialnyiy-park---Zvezda--.jpeg\" style=\"opacity:0;width:100%;height:100%;\"}{\/div}"]

The developer organization Radius Group plans to put by the end of 2014 into operation in industrial park Southern Gate 180 thousand sq. m. of the areas which will be used by his residents. Svyaznoy and

Kimberly Clark will get for their needs approximately 20 000 sq. m., and General Motors – nearly 40 thousand sq. m.

If these plans will be implemented by the end of the year, the Radius Group Company will have an opportunity to excess average market business results. Thanks to that organization will go contrary to the general tendency according to which investments into commercial real estate are reduced.

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