
The Centos Central Logistics Company rented a warehouse in industrial and logistic complex (ILC) Omega Lise-Kaluga

27 августа 2014
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The Centos Central Logistics Company has the great amount of warehouses located on the territory of Russia, the CIS countries, in Europe (Germany and Finland).

The industrial and logistic complex Omega Lise-Kaluga, where the organization rented a new warehouse, is a part of industrial park Vorsino. The structure of the acquired area consists of 15 000 sq. m. of a warehouse zone, including a loading-unloading zone, office space (800 sq. m.), engineering and utility services room (308 sq. m.).

Delta Konstrakshn company is the performer of the project, it is also actively realize general contracts on construction of industrial facilities. The consulting agency Colliers International helped transaction parties by holding a rent and marketing consultation.

The logistic operator of Centos Central Logistics carried out the expansion of warehouse assets for active cooperation with clients and new partners in the territory of industrial park Vorsino. Among them are world famous trademarks, like a Nestle, Avon, and Samsung.

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