
The new logistic center Radumlya will appear in Moscow Oblast next year

27 августа 2014
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The administration of the District and the company builder signed the investment contract. The main task of creating large-scale transport and logistic structure is the increasing of regional transport opportunities. Formation of new industrial platforms and the European high-quality warehouse centers also plays an important role.

According to the project management, its realization will finish by 2016. Total amount of financial investments in object will be about 15 billion Russian rubles.

The process of creation the structure will be realized in 3 stages. The first stage of Radumlya has to be ready by the end of the current year. Together with new logistic object opening, it is planning the appearance of nearly 5 000 new vacancies. Various experts will be required: service staff, administrative, office, technical employees and others.

The land plot area that has been taken under logistic center realization is 1, 3 million sq. m. According to the general manager of Radumlya Alexander Ostapishin, initial investment funds for construction of infrastructure were designated in 700 million dollars.

Logopark will belong to the class A+. The land plot area under building of object is denoted by figure over 138 hectares.

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