
Gloria Jeans strengthens the structure with a new logistic complex

27 августа 2014
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Now the logistic complex is preparing for start working and functions in a test mode, using the program of automation warehouse operations. According to the general manager of the company Vladimir Melnikov, object was planned to start at the end of last year.

Capacities of object are designated in 260 million shipped products a year. Thousands shops will become the objects of replenishment.
The program of automation will help to decrease the expenses on transport delivery. Approximate figure of decrease – is 25%. With the help of modern warehouse service technologies, the management of the enterprise hopes to increase the speed of replenishment with the commodity coverage.

As Vladimir Melnikov notes, Gloria Jeans Company will allocate about 45 million dollars for discovery of new trade objects. The total amount of new structural divisions is designated by 60 shops where the general indicator of the area is 45 000 sq. m.

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