
New tendencies of development the warehouse sector in the Northwest of Russia.

27 августа 2014
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The president of the company Dmitry Ilyichenko noted, the planned capacity of St. Petersburg's market in this direction is about 300 000 sq. m.

Warehouses of the "self storage" format represent complexes of rooms with a separate entrance for individual dedicated storage of subjects and valuables. Such format appeared for the first time on the territory of the USA in the late fifties.

People used garages on the periphery of the cities and in industrial zones as storage for their personal belongings. Later, with the appearance of parking and for the reason of rise in price on houses, it became unprofitable to store old things.

Than appeared an idea of storage necessary subjects in the seasonal boxes designed for individuals. Further the tendency expanded on organizations.

On the territory of today's America, there are about 220 million sq.m. of individual storage depot. Their turnovers are more than $22 billion.

The most well-known operator companies working at this service market are Public Storage and Yellow storage. Their share of voice in the markets of their countries is nearly 15%.

First Russian warehouses "self storage" appeared in Moscow at the beginning of 2000th. Foreign businessmen started first objects, realizing the potential of the Russian market and using the gained foreign experience.

Today over 150 companies are owners of alike warehouses in MO. Thus formation of the market is still in a process. According to expert data, the total area of such warehouses is 160 000 sq. m.

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