
Projected logistics centers in Astana

06 июня 2014
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The new building will occupy approximately 400 thousand square meters. In spring 2017, it should be placed into operation.
Each of the commercial facilities will occupy 11 thousand square meters. The warehousing facility is to occupy 10 thousand square meters. All of the buildings should be constructed by the end of the year.

Commercial logistics center will be subdivided into three main zones. An 80-thousand square meter market is going to be the first one. It will be subdivided into 7 trade zones with agricultural goods from Kazakhstan manufacturers.

The second zone will be a 120-thousand square meter logistics facility with a terminal. The warehouse will store dry groceries and manufactured goods. It is going to be equipped with pallet racks and refrigerating chambers. The area also presupposes storage of exotic goods, such as seafood.

The third zone will consist of a supermarket, a consumer goods market, and a parking space.

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