
Company “iSolutions” implements a new WMS-solution together with Microsoft

21 апреля 2014
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A seminar, dedicated to the new WMS-version for warehousing logistics, developed on the basis of "Microsoft Dynamics AX 2013 R3", will occur at the end of April. The program will be presented in the office of Microsoft company in Moscow.

Commerce and logistics experts, representatives from IT-companies using ERP-system Microsoft Dynamics AX, and experts planning to integrate WMS systems into their warehousing operations will take part in the seminar.

The official release of the program will happen in May 2014. Microsoft corporation is presenting the event.

"Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3" program is characterized by impressive functionality, facilitating the management of warehousing operations that deal with cargo transportation, retail and wholesale delivery. The program features a new approach that allows predicting demand based on the company sales history. Technical components include new mobile application "Business Analyzer". Further details regarding its functionality will be disclosed during the presentation.

The clients of iSolution company, who have successfully implemented this innovative solution, will also attend the seminar. It will be possible to share the experiences and successful solutions in the IT segment.

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