
In May 2014, Russian representatives are to visit warehousing equipment exposition “World of Material Handling” in Germany

01 апреля 2014
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The second international conference "InnoSklad: made in Germany!" will take place at the end of May in Germany, and will feature a unique warehousing equipment exposition "World of Material Handling" in Mainz. The event is organized by "Linde" company.

The exposition will occupy a territory of 20 thousand square meters. Its organizers will presents about ten innovations of the 2014, and a full model line of warehousing equipment.

An opportunity to test the equipment in real life, see how it works, and compare it to the competitors' models will give the participants a chance to fully grasp the quality and skill of specialized manufacturers from the industry. The participants will have an amazing experience, will be given a chance to come to the right decisions and draw conclusions about the latest equipment and practical implementation of the innovations.

This five-day program will include the following events:

  • Day 1-2: SEMAT conference, dealing with interlogistics, will take place in Gannover
  • Day 3-4: The second international conference "InnoSklad: made in Germany!" will take place in Boppard. This program presupposes tours to modern, fully equipped, German warehouses. European experts will consult the participants on warehousing automation and effective implementation of the latest innovative technologies. The experts have over 30 years of experience in the field; they took part in the completion of over 700 projects, successfully implemented across the entire globe.
  • Day 5: Tour to warehousing equipment exposition "World of Material Handling" in Mainz.

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