
Krasnoyarsk region is developing its project of an industrial park

02 апреля 2014
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The fact that the project was a part of Russian metallurgic development strategy 2020 did not help either. Now, "KrasTyazhMash" land plot area is a potential site for another project, which is not taken enthusiastically either. The previous investor, "Check-Su" has not forsaken its plans and is currently asserting its rights for the construction in court. However, there is no conflict with RTK, as "Check-Su" believes that "KrasTyazhMash" has enough space for everyone: especially given that the company needs only two manufacturing facilities. Over a year ago, KrasTyazhMash old-timers sent a letter to Vladimir Putin, asking for a permit for the construction of Yenisei ferroalloy plant and pointing out invalidity of ecological claims. So, the whole story is not over yet.

The land plot area of the construction site is to be 200 Hectares, and 200 000 machine-building representatives are to be built in the area. KrasTyazhMash plant is an attractive site because of its heat and electric power, as well as the proximity of a highway and a railroad.

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