
Czech investor sets foot in Rostov region

01 апреля 2014
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The first property under construction is a 20 000-square meter trade and logistics complex in Aksay. It is to attract about 20 000 000 dollars of investments. The second business stage presupposes a construction of 80 000-square meter manufacturing and logistics complex. This is a large scale project that is to attract 77 000 000 dollars. In the last five years, Don region has experienced a spike in retail activity, which led to a deficiency in class A warehousing facilities, as developers could not keep up with the retailers.

The Czech signed a logistics agreement. Their estimate of a class A warehousing facilities deficiency in the region is at least 300 000 square meters. Joint Russian and Czech projects will facilitate this deficiency and prove that Don region real estate market is favorable for the investments.

PPF is one of the most influential financial investment groups in Central and Eastern Europe. It was founded in 1990s, and in the last twenty years it has significantly expanded geographically. Several Russian companies with 11 000 000 000 euro in assets are a part of PPF group.

Another agreement between regional authorities and a German company PPC has been signed this week. A household chemicals plant is to be built in Rostov region. 120 000 000 euro have been invested into the project, which is to create 50 new job opportunities. In addition, the region show casts its investment favorability to France.

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