
“Smart solutions” projects in ID-forum in Moscow

01 апреля 2014
["{div class=objectGalleryCell style=\"background:url(\/images\/RFID-Tag-RFID-Label-RFID-Card-A-12-01-pvc-card.jpg) center center \/ cover no-repeat;\"}{img src=\"\/images\/RFID-Tag-RFID-Label-RFID-Card-A-12-01-pvc-card.jpg\" style=\"opacity:0;width:100%;height:100%;\"}{\/div}"]

"Roberto Veriono" is a retail store chain, selling luxury and premium-class clothes for adults in Spain. The chain has 160 stores, owned by Ramir. The brand also has franchise enterprises in shopping malls of Spain, Mexico, and Portugal.

In 2010 the retail chain introduced RFID-technology. The experiment took place in Barcelona, in one of the retail stores. The company management feels confident about the success of this technology and believes that the trend will remain a mainstream in sales.

Additional services for clients became a basis for this concept. "Smart store" was based on RFID-technology. The main things defining a great purchase are customer's good mood, his/her satisfaction with one's own actions and the rendered services, as well as one's entertainment while shopping.

The management believes that developing a strategy that would spur customers' interest will help to increase the sales. RFID-system became a support moment in the overall strategy of the corporation. It allowed the company to introduce a range of logistics transformations and operational innovations.

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