
Benefits of “Moglino” Special Economic Zone are described during Russian-Japanese investment forum

01 апреля 2014
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In the course of several panel discussions, vice-governor of Pskov region highlighted some relevant issues dealing with special economic zone management and industrial park construction in Russian Federation, paying his particular attention to international standards and practices.

Panel discussion focused on the improvement of investment climate in Russia, as well as new business opportunities for Russia and Japan. Japan took active part in "Moglino" special economic zone project, while "JURONG Consultants", a company from Singapore, managed the mentioned above project.

Special economic zone will mainly produce agricultural equipment, household appliances, car spares, railway equipment, packing and construction materials. It will also have some logistics enterprises. The project should be completed by 2014. Land plot areas have been available for the residents starting 2013.Special economic zone will maintain its status for 49 years.

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