
“Euroopt” logistics center in Baranovichi is working at its full capacity

17 марта 2014
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25 million Euro has been invested into this project. The space of the logistics center is over 24 000 square meters. It accepts delivered goods, stores and distributes them to other network stores.

There are three temperature zones for storing goods: dry warehouse, medium temperature warehouse (0-8 C), and refrigerating warehouse. It also has special containers for banana artificial ripening. Until recently, Euroopt used to rent such containers. However, it would not allow storing equal amounts of fruit. Right now, 3200 tons of bananas per month can be artificially ripened in the facility.

Euroopt stores in Grodensk, Brest, and Gomel regions depend on a dry warehouse. Up to 120 eighteen-wheel trucks per day can be loaded/unloaded in its area.

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