
Experts’ summary of the 17th “Moscow International logistics forum”

17 марта 2014
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Dmitriy Blinov, chief technology officer in GC LogistiX, notes that major efforts are drawn to optimizing and automating warehousing facilities.

Sergey Ageev, CEO in GC Ostek, says that clients are becoming more demanding. Complex high quality logistics services are now of prior importance.

M-r Tashbaev, chairman in LogistiX council, notes that foreign representatives have become a new trend on 2013 logistics market. Due to their solid technologies, effective business strategies and qualified staff, they positively affect Russian market.

Jos Marinus, speaker from European Logistics Association hopes to build strong partnership with Logistics Association of Russian Federation, as he strongly believes in the potential of the country.

The experts also note that 2014 logistics market should be highly competitive.

The experts also believe that a specialized platform, uniting all of the distributors into a single network, will help to solve all of the logistics problems.

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