
Business Technology Center becomes a partner of Logistics Innovation Forum 2014

17 марта 2014
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  • 170 representatives from leading companies of Ukraine took part in this forum. The following topics were discussed:
  • The potential of warehousing market in 2014 and the conclusions of 2013
  • Logistics as a means of optimizing business
  • Route planning optimization and order distribution
  • Automation as a means to reduce expenses while switching warehouse facilities
  • Central inventory in a holding concern
  • Combination of speed and precision while automating a warehousing facility
  • Cold logistics outsourcing
  • Merchandise of retail networks
  • Violation of foreign economic activities and managing logistics

Business Technology Center representatives presented a report on the potential of their 1C software products, compatible with ERP, as well as other accounting systems.

Andrey Petcherskich, Business Technology Center chief executive, says that taking part in this forum provided better insight about acute demands of present-day warehousing market from the real experience of its major players.

Business Technology Center has been implementing IT-solutions in a variety of spheres for over 10 years. Their experts have automated over 2500 working places.

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