
Industrial park “MSB-Udomlya” requires development

13 февраля 2014
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The governor noted that this industrial park is very important for the region. Attracting investments to the regional center, as well as other regions, is a strategic goal, aimed at solving the most acute problems and improving social living conditions. The governor believes that industrial park "MSB-Udomlya" will play an important role in the investment activities of the region.

Anatoliy Michno stated that MSB Capital Group council board approved the industrial park concept and is currently conducting negotiations with its potential residents. The project will mainly specialize in chemical, food processing and agricultural industry.

It is a confirmed fact that CJSC "Agrohoding EcoRos" will be one of the industrial park residents. Together with VENLO, greenhouse complex provider from Netherlands, it is going to build a vegetable greenhouse complex. A package of necessary legal documents has already undergone State examination. Infrastructure, necessary for the construction of the first stage, is already in place. The first construction stage of the complex will occupy 5.5 hectares. A construction company from Tver will act as a contractor.

The meeting attendees also discussed several aspects of the project and came up with a plan for its development.

"MSB-Udomlya" is a diversified industrial park, based on the cluster development principles. Agricultural holding will be the core of this cluster. The fact that this industrial site is located next to Udomlya town guarantees easy access to social infrastructure and makes it possible to hire qualified professionals to work in the innovative industries. Tver region government supports the project in regard to infrastructure development and land acquisition. By 2016 "MSB-Udomlya" will work at its designed capacity, which will infuse about 3 billion rubles into the consolidated regional budget.

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