
New program from Sberbank of Russia

06 февраля 2014
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"Industrial park" is a unique financing offer for property residents. A company is offered a chance to finance 20% of the project, while the bank will grant credits for reconstruction, purchase, construction and even infrastructure development of the logistics property.

Moreover, one can loan money to settle credits from other banks or to cover previous expenses. This is a long-term program for the period of 12-14 years. Entrepreneurs, who have already made use of the offer, have no complaints whatsoever.

Monetary institution plans to create about 70 industrial parks with the help of this program. Implementation of the program will offer federal regions a chance to improve their investment climate, create new jobs, and pump up local budgets. Eleven regions have already made use of the offer.

Sberbak is trying out a different strategy for working with an entrepreneur – its representatives believe that to succeed one should not wait for favorable conditions, but to step forward and then, with time, the situation will change for the better.

Currently, in Russian Federation there are 58 logistics parks with smooth and running production process. There are also 22 land plot areas that have not been used before and, consequently, do not have solid infrastructure. For each of these land plot areas, bank crediting program offers a unique chance for business development.

In addition, monetary institution offers other kinds of business support.

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