
“Nikolskoe” logistics complex will be placed into operation next year

06 февраля 2014
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Logistics complex is located near Iksha railway station, right next to Moscow ring highway. Its total land plot area is 18 Ha.

According to a preliminary estimate, about 100 million dollars will have to be invested into this logistics property. The mentioned above sum has been provided by "Nomos-Bank". "Evrostroy" company has been chosen as a contractor, while the actual development has been assigned to Dutch engineering company Tedobin.

A lot of experts have many times corroborated information about the lack of warehousing and logistics facilities in Moscow and its vicinity. According to their forecast, only 51 thousand square meters of similar properties will remain vacant by the end of the year.

Warehousing complex has a favorable location – next to Moscow and railway intersections. In addition, it is located next to a canal and two major highways. The staff will be hired from Moscow and the nearest regions. Traffic intersection has been developed by established foreign architects.

The contractor, "Evrostroy" company, has been specializing in construction for years. It worked with a multitude of industrial and public properties. Regardless of the actual purpose, the company never failed to deliver high quality results. High quality has been Evrostroy's priority from the very beginning. The company focuses mostly on large-scale projects, such as commercial and entertainment complexes, industrial parks and logistics centers, residential real estate and social infrastructure. "Logopark Pyshma" and logistics complex "Podolsk" are one of the most famous projects completed by Evrostroy.

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