
“Radumulya” is not ready to rest its oars

04 февраля 2014
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Currently, there is no definite decision on this matter. Initially, land plot area of the property was 600 000 square meters.

Construction works have begun on a 135-Ha land plot area. TGK Company was chosen as a contractor. This is the first similar project for this particular developer, yet the company management team is experienced in developing logistics properties.

Construction will be divided into several stages. According to plan, the first stage presupposes the construction of 42.8 thousand square meters of office and 265 thousand square meters of storage facilities. 85 thousand square meters of storage facilities will be built during the second stage. Finally, 320 thousand square meters of miscellaneous real estate property will be constructed. As a result, total land plot area of the property may exceed 750 thousand square meters.

Warehousing real estate experts believe that total investments into the property may exceed half a billion dollars. The location of the construction is highly beneficial from the logistics perspective. Here, the new logistics park will have a lot of competition, yet step-by-step placement into operation will ensure sufficient occupancy. Vacancy rate in Moscow vicinity is extremely low. The major competitor, "Logopark Sever (North)" hasn't been built yet, but tenants already occupy 100% of its territory.

"Severnoe (Northern) Domodedovo" is considered to be the biggest warehousing property in the area. Currently, the property occupies 560 square meters of land in Moscow vicinity, and the owners are planning to expand this area up to 1.1 million square meters of land. In addition, one more company announced its plan to build logistics park "Sof'ino" (Sophie's) in this region.

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