
“Universal – special equipment” opens a new multifunctional center in Belgorod

03 февраля 2014
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The new center occupies over 2000 square meters. At least 800 square meters are occupied by the service zone, and about 500 square meters – by spare part warehouse. In his speech, the president of "Universal – special equipment", LLC, stated that this is already a second center in Russia. The first one is in Kemerovo.

Over 120 million rubles were spent on the construction of this center. Belgorod branch executive officer comments: "Technical capabilities of a new center can significantly increase the range and volume of the our activities. Our main task is to render high quality services. That is why apart from selling road building equipment, diesel generators and loaders, we also offer incidental branded goods".

As of today, the staff consists of 40 members; yet, the company is planning to expand up to 70 employment opportunities. The company renders high quality equipment maintenance, including capital repairs in full accord with international standards. The equipment is maintained by certified service engineers, trained at the manufacturers' enterprises. Apart from selling and repairing equipment, the company offers it for lease. The lease can even include operator's services.

"Universal – special equipment" collaborates with the world-known brands, which makes it one of the leading high quality equipment companies on the Russian market.

The Belgorod branch of "Universal – special equipment" company offers over 50 items from the world's best known brands, such as Ammann, Yale, Manitou, and John Deere; at least 6000 items and 18 000 articles are on the spare details list.

Four service teams are perfectly equipped to render high quality maintenance services.

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