
“Chetra – Industrial machinery” demonstrates its new mini-loader for municipal districts

03 февраля 2014
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The device is manufactured by "Kurganmashzavod" LtD, a part of "Tractor plants" concern. This loader is a core model used by public servces in municipal districts of Russian Federation. After its first release in 1990, over 12 thousand devices have been distributed to every region.

Chetra MKSM -800N has 19 attached additional implements, 800 kg loading capacity, a skid steering option, is small, mobile and highly efficient. The device is economically reasonable and has proven itself in the locations where heavy machinery would be impractical. Due to its small size, the loader can be used in narrow places, such as 1.8-meter wide and 2.1-meter high aisles.

Background information:

Company Cherta produces industrial, road-building and municipal equipment on enterprises of holding concern "Tractor plant".

"Cherta" brand includes goods manufactured by other holding companies, such as "Promtractor" LtD, : Kurganmashzavod", "Sarax".These companies produce industrial tractors, mini-loaders, ATTVs, and other equipment, including spare details, accessories, etc.

Heavy machinery produced by the concern can be used in 5 industries: railway, manufacturing, agricultural, specialized, details and additional equipment. The holding is one of the leading brands in the industry. Its production is sold to over 40 countries of the world

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