
Sites for special equipment in Yekaterinburg

03 февраля 2014
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Experts believe that as the construction rates went higher, so did the interest in heavy equipment. So, heavy machinery companies in Yekaterinburg modernize their selling grounds.

Jungheinrich division has been on Ural for over eight years. Before that it was just a Moscow branch, but now the site in Yekaterinburg is an independent unit, offering both used and non-used equipment.

One more heavy machinery site opened in Yekaterinburg a week ago. Official dealer of JCB "Stroycomplekt" presented an exposition of special equipment. JCB occupies hectares, total area of the center is over three thousand square meters, comprising several conference rooms, sales offices, show rooms, spare storage facilities, and tire assembly. Company representatives are expecting customers not only form Yekaterinburg, but also from the neighboring towns.

The construction of these sites became possible due to the marketplace development, as retailers bring warehousing facilities and sales offices together.

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