
Industrial park of the future

15 января 2014
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LLC "The store of the future" was founded in summer 2011. The company's shareholders include "Rosano", Retail Group and RTI Ltd. "Pepyanka", situated at the Retail Group's X5 office, was the pilot project for "The store of the future". "Pepyanka" project was launched at the end of the preceding year, but it was terminated five month afterwards. The store employs RFID-technology, which, by using wireless scanners, allows to track items from the moment they arrive up till they are sold. This technology allows retailers to manage holdover items and control their expiration dates. X5 deals with the project development, "Rosano" – with financing, and "Citronix" – with technical issues.

Two years ago project members announced that they had received 350 million rubles investment. According to Sergei Fillipov, "Rosano" representative, financing took several stages, and currently the company no longer has the need in extra-budgetary resources to continue its development. The third stage presupposes the launch of a commercial store implementing RFID-technology. Regarding the final stage, it is going to deal with researching potential innovations in logistics.

Currently, "The Store of the future" is discussing the possibility of partnership with vendors, manufacturers and retailers. Tobacco, meat and dairy vendors and manufacturers are already interested in this project. By the end of this year project management is planning to develop major production concepts and choose the participants. The complex will start functioning by mid-2014.

Similar innovations help industry retailers to speed up their supply data work. Meat and food industry simply require this technology, as it helps them to manage perishable goods and dispose of low-quality items.

Still, as of today it is impossible to evaluate the costs of RFID implementation, because even those companies that are using RFID, are using it in a test mode.

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