
Ten biggest warehousing facility owners in Russia

15 января 2014
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1. The first position is occupied by Rayen Russia, an investment company, investing mostly in class A warehousing facilities. It invests into the construction, and later on the company rents completed complexes to small and medium business owners. Total space occupied by the company's territories is 1 387 million square meters.

2. The second spot is taken by PNK Group. Currently it owns a series of warehouses with a total territory of over 1 073 million square meters.

3. The next position rightfully belongs to International Logistics Partnership (ILP). The company places its stake on high quality standards of its warehouses. The space occupied by the company is 600 000 square meters.

4. Binn Group, which is the fourth in this list, has even fewer warehousing facilities – just 487 thousand square meters. The company deals with food manufacture, and has plants in several regions.

5. The fifth position belongs to "Infrastroy Bykovo". Warehousing facilities of this company occupy 420 thousand square meters. The company is situated in Moscow vicinity.

6. Company "Medion" owns 271 square meters of warehouses, which allows it to successfully develop in modern business community.

7. "Rosevrodevelopment", that owns 249 thousand square meters of warehousing facilities, successfully develops its properties in Moscow region, which is where its headquarters is located, as well as in other regions of Russia.

8. Warehousing facilities owned by Hines company occupy 214 thousand square meters. This international company has 100 offices all over the world, including Russia.

9. Radius Group owns 165 thousand square meters of warehousing facilities. The company produces air condition systems.

10. The final position is held by Logopark "Development", which owns 111 thousand square meters of commercial properties. The company is situated in Moscow.

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