
Warehouses for federal networks will be built in Primorie by 2014

14 января 2014
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The information has been reported by a logistics expert in "Prima Media live" interview.

The expert noted that the best option for the companies working beyond the Urals is to deliver goods from Pacific Rim countries directly to Primorskiy region, without intermediaries. To achieve this, it is necessary to create a new distribution center, which will facilitate goods distribution to Ural. Afterwards, the goods that are being transported to Russia, will be distributed up to the Ural Mountains, and the rest of them will be transported through St. Petersburg - the main regulating center. Unfortunately, currently there are no tailored distribution centers with small storage zones and proper embarkation capacities in the Far East.

Far East can become the best export channel for transporting foreign goods. This November the government approved the development of the project.

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