
Kaliningrad region Development Corporation settles down to cooperation with Polish SEZ

19 октября 2012
["{div class=objectGalleryCell style=\"background:url(\/images\/korp_soglashenie.jpg) center center \/ cover no-repeat;\"}{img src=\"\/images\/korp_soglashenie.jpg\" style=\"opacity:0;width:100%;height:100%;\"}{\/div}"]

korp soglasheniePomorskaya SEZ (Poland) and Kaliningrad region Development Corporation signed a cooperative agreement. The contract places its special emphasis on the development of innovatory entrepreneurship in Poland and Russia. The agreement deals with two scopes of engagement. The first one is investment. Polish industrialists are willing to invest into Kaluga region.
Russian industrialists, in their turn, are willing to set their manufactures in Pomorskaya special economic zone. The second aspect of this agreement is the collaboration of high tech IT-Parks in Poland and Kaliningrad. In particular, a special attention is drawn to the collaboration of Kaliningrad region Development Corporation, Kant BFU and Gdansk scientific technological park of innovatory projects to ensure interchange of ideas and experience. Russian companies will use Polish sites to enter the European market. The process is going to be interchangeable – Polish business will in their turn expand to Russia. Even though Kaliningrad region Development Corporation is a start-up company, which is for 6 months only, it has already gained reliable reputation in international background sphere.

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