
Industrial park “Mar’ino” attracts Turkish residents

19 октября 2012
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orteksanTurkish company Orteksan signed a cooperative agreement with "VTB Capital Asset Management" during the investment forum in St. Petersburg. According to this contract, it should attract new Turkish residents to "Mar'ino" industrial park. By the next year, several Turkish manufacturers should already reside in "Mar'ino". Light industry companies and construction supplies manufacturers should be the first ones to join.
All in all, major Turkish production holdings will be searched for the new residents. According to Orteksan statement, more and more Turkish businessmen are attracted to St. Petersburg. This can be explained by its beneficial geographical location, and the availability of qualified certified personnel. The first stage of "Mar'ino" industrial park has been launched last week, and the second one will be launched by next December. In other words, foreign interest in this project indicates its relevancy on the market.

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