
The first stage of “Mar’ino” industrial park is initialized in St. Petersburg

19 октября 2012
["{div class=objectGalleryCell style=\"background:url(\/images\/news\/marino.png) center center \/ cover no-repeat;\"}{img src=\"\/images\/news\/marino.png\" style=\"opacity:0;width:100%;height:100%;\"}{\/div}"]

marinoThe first stage of "Mar'ino" industrial park occupies a territory of 68 hectares, 40 of which are already occupied with anchor residents. Engineering lines and infrastructure are fully operating. About 1.1 billion rubles have been invested in the infrastructure. The second stage should be constructed by the end of the next year. Investments in the engineering part will exceed half a billion rubles. In case of expanding waste lines, the expenses will increase. "Mar'ino" industrial park is a project of a VTB Group.
It is designed as a structural manufacturing zone with a centralized management and a total territory of 130 hectares. Industrial park will include modern manufacturing facilities (in automotive sphere mostly), and auto parks. Currently, negotiations with diesel engines, vehicle components and power plant manufacturers take place. One of the potential residents is an important cargo truck manufacturer.

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