
Taiwan Delegation Visits Ufa

19 октября 2012
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ufimskoeBashkortostan Chamber of Commerce and Industry welcomes Taiwan high tech companies representatives. Taiwan delegation came with a trade mission during their business trip through Russia and Belarus. Guests stayed in Chelyabinsk on 1-5 September, and started their work in Ufa on the 6th of September. Bashkortostan is represented by 30 enterprises in the variety of economic fields. On the 7th of September the delegation is visiting an industrial park that is currently being constructed on the basis of an engine building industrial group.
This visit may result in the appearance of new Taiwan residents. Currently, Bashkiria imports equipment, ferrous and non-ferrous metal goods, chemical goods, as well as other items from Taiwan. During the first six months of 2012, foreign trade turnover between Taiwan and Bashkiria exceeded 5 million dollars. Even though there are no registered joint ventures between Taiwan and Bashkiria yet, this is a highly possible opportunity in the nearest future. After Ufa, Taiwan delegation heads for Moscow and further on to Minsk.

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