
Wildberries.ru bought the lease of 23 000 square km in warehousing complex “MLP Podolsk”

19 октября 2012
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wildberriesWildberries.ru, big online-sore of trendy clothes, shoes and accessories became a new tenant of warehousing complex "MLP Podolsk", situated next to Simferopol highway, 17 km away from MRHW (Moscow ring highway). Total occupied territory, including office facilities, constitutes 23 000 square km. The deal is made for a 7-year period. Company "MLP" has been represented by "Sklad-Management" in this deal.
Class A warehousing complex in Podolsk is the second project of "MLP" in the Moscow region. 205 000 square meters of class A warehousing facilities have been built on a site with a total territory of 37 hectares. In March of 2012 second initiative with a total territory of 91 000 square km has been launched.

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