
Russian railways and GEFCO prepare themselves for billion-worth deal

18 октября 2012
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gefkoAfter a long consideration of the major benefits and the potential of European logistics companies, Russian Railways decided to purchase GEFCO. Transaction is estimated at half a billion Euro. Russian Railways are prepared to pay almost a billion. However, the benefits they require will be difficult to achieve from GEFCO. The services package will not be significantly expanded, and subsequent integration will face certain difficulties due to t Russian railroad business peculiarities. Russian Railways familiarize the deal with a similar experience of DB purchasing Schenker. This, however, is an example of an extensive growth.

The majority of German analysts do not approve of this decision, which is, in fact, an example of state capitalism, and believe that influential logistics services providers, such as DB and Schenker, should operate and develop separately. There is no hard proof that purchased companies would lose unless they become a part of a huge holding. Taking into account that the deal is worth 30 000 000 000 rubles, local and foreign experts' amazement can be easily explained.

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