
Grand Opening of a Technopark in Naberezhnye Chelny

18 октября 2012
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it naberezhnie chelniOn August, 25 Rustam Minnihanov, the President of Tatarstan, and Nikolai Nikiforov, the Minister of Communications of Russia, performed a grand opening of a technopark in Naberezhnye Chelny. The object is designed for IT-developments in the machinery field and its cost is estimated in approximately 1 400 000 000 rubles. The object occupies about 23 300 square meters. Nikolai Nikiforov noticed that this is the best technopark in the country, indicating that a goal of designing 25 000 000 high-tech new vacancies, set by Vladimir Putin, begins to come into action.
The new technopark is a second successful project of Tatarstan and "KAMAZ" Ltd. Building site of Kamsk manufacturing park "Master" was the first one. In the nearest future, the region intends to design an innovatory urban fringe Innopolis. The need for a new technopark is indicated by the fact that by the time of its opening 22 companies from Moscow, Perm, Ufa, as well as other Russian cities had already had residency status. The IT-park will include business center, innovatory center and the center of potential developments.

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