
Voronezh governor visited “Maslovsky” industrial park

18 октября 2012
["{div class=objectGalleryCell style=\"background:url(\/images\/news\/maslovskii.jpeg) center center \/ cover no-repeat;\"}{img src=\"\/images\/news\/maslovskii.jpeg\" style=\"opacity:0;width:100%;height:100%;\"}{\/div}"]

maslovskiiThe governor opened his visit to "Maslovsky" with a visit to the construction site of a new manufacturing-logistic complex "Angstrem". After this project realization, 1200 new vacancies will appear in Voronezh. The governor specified that operations are being accomplished in accord with the initial plan, which means that in the following year we can already count on additional vacancies. After "Maslovsky" the governor intends to visit "Voronezhselmash". This is a first, completely new agricultural machinery plant in the region.
Previously, only old plants were being reconstructed. Currently, building operations are completed, communication lines and infrastructure are created, about half of the necessary equipment is installed, the rest of equipment is already purchased and is waiting for the installation during the next two-three weeks. In addition, he expressed hope for the design of similar modern enterprises serving as a basis for the development of a scientific and manufacturing site, having important role in the progress of the entire country.

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