
Linde Material Handling took part in CEMAT-2012

14 октября 2012

German company Linde Material Handling demonstrated its new loaders on a Moscow warehousing exhibition. Sergei Kruishev, marketing manager of company's Russian department, told about their major advantages. According to him, company moved to a new level of ergonomics by equipping its loaders with a fully automated managing system. Another new feature is the implementation of hydraulics transmission, allowing smooth movement. Also, S. Kruishev paid his attention to the simplicity of new loaders' operation.

Millimeter accuracy of loading forks can be achieved without any significant effort from the operator's part. Linde loaders have been known in Russia for 40 years – the first ones were bough by the Soviet Union in 1973. During long years on the Russian market, the company managed to gain reliable reputation and establish itself as one of the leaders in a warehouse equipment supply area. Linde factories operate in Germany, Great Britain, France and China. For an American market Linde brand loaders are manufactured in USA.

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