
Sberbank has premiered Rodniki industrial park.

06 сентября 2012
["{div class=objectGalleryCell style=\"background:url(\/images\/rodniki.jpg) center center \/ cover no-repeat;\"}{img src=\"\/images\/rodniki.jpg\" style=\"opacity:0;width:100%;height:100%;\"}{\/div}"]

rodnikiAs an investment in the development of industrial parks, Rodniki has received an award from Sberbank Russia in the form of a priority right to financing. 9 other industrial parks in addition to Rodniki also have this right. This sector is still young in Russia and insufficiently developed: There are no more than 50 industrial parks across the country, whereas the USA has about 400, China has about 600, and Germany has 200. However, hundreds of new projects are being prepared.

Industrial parks create comfortable conditions for forming new manufacturing facilities in the regions of the Russian Federation. This is why their creation and development carries large significance for the country's economic development in general. Industrial parks play a large roll in improving the investment climate of a country, facilitating the attraction of investments to the economy's real sector, as well as allowing for the modernization of the economy at higher rates. Industrial parks are also connected with plans for transferring imports to consumers, as well as with diversifying manufacturing sites of "raw-materials" regions.


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