
Wildberries.ru is a new renter in Podolsk MLP.

06 сентября 2012
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wilbierriessWildberries.ru, a well-known electronic retail platform for modern clothes, shoes, and accessories, has become a new renter at Podolsk MLP, a class-A warehouse complex. The complex is located 17 km from MKAD, not far from Simpheropolsky highway. Sklad Management represented the interests of MLP company. The premises, rented for a period of 7 years, take up 23,000 sq m, including offices.

The class-A warehouse complex in Podolsk is the second of MLP's projects in the Moscow region. It sits on a land plot of 37 ha and has 205,000 sq m of quality warehouse space. The second phase of the project has a total space of 91,000 sq m and was commissioned in March of this year. Wildberries already has one warehouse in the Moscow region in the town of Besedy, not far from the intersection of MKAD and planned route #5396.


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