
Sberbank is prepared to allocate 100 billion rub ($3.3 billion) for creating industrial parks.

06 сентября 2012
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layout enSberbank organized a presentation of its program for the First Federal Conference of Financing Industrial Projects. The bank's program is called "New Industrialization" and is dedicated to creating various instruments for industrial and innovational development of medium- and large-sized Russian businesses.

Sberbank is planning to finance 30 different industrial-park projects by 2014, allocating to these projects approximately 100 billion rub ($3.3 billion).Specialists from Sberbank are currently developing special banking products for the managing companies of industrial parks, as well as for their residents. Typical industrial parks will be offered complex replicable banking solutions. Sberbank's base of clients will help to attract residents to the new industrial parks. Sberbank is planning to work on the competitiveness of Russian businesses with the help of several new non-financial services of its own working.


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