
MultiDomTrading has completed the automatization of its warehouse complex.

06 сентября 2012
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multidomBukhta Company has successfully implemented a project by which it automated the warehouse complex of MultiDomTrading, a renowned manufacturer and distributer of home furnishings. The new WMS has allowed the company to optimize its warehouse technology for reception, repackaging, stowage, organizing orders, and shipping, as well as introduce centralized operational control.This is very important for an assortment that includes more than 3,000 products. One of the solved problems regards the optimization of stowing goods on pallets with consideration of the package's size and the size of the storage space. This system also reflects the location and type of storage of the cargo. This aids in the optimization of space.

The project also allows them to solve the problem of cumulative excess, specifically gathering orders according to articles, routes, and recipients. The wear on warehouse technology and the number of trips to storage cells by personnel has significantly decreased as a result. The client is very satisfied with the implemented project and has cited a noticeable increase in the quality of logistics processes.One of the listed advantages is the formation of a system that reports the results of warehouse operations for a given period, which enhances managements ability to make decisions.


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