
Guests from Tula visited the Kaluzhsky region.

06 сентября 2012
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KalugaA delegation from the Tula region, lead by Governor Vladimir Gruzdev, came to the Kaluzha region on August 3rd for a working visit. High-ranking officials of the Tula region also took part in the delegation. They visited Grabtsevo, an industrial park, in order to learn about the functioning production facilities there and those still under construction. As part of the visit, a productive exchange of opinions took place between members of the governments of the two regions regarding the problems of attracting investment, organizing tech-parks, and the operations of the Tula Investment Fund.

Perspectives for joint collaboration between the two regions were also discussed. Because Vladimir Gruzdev also heads a working group of the State Council of the Russian Federation, a series of questions was touched regarding preparations of practical proposals for the Russian President for improving the investment attractiveness of the Russian regions.


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