
An Italian logistics center will be appear in the Nizhegorodsky region.

06 сентября 2012
["{div class=objectGalleryCell style=\"background:url(\/images\/Nizhny-Novgorod_ru.png) center center \/ cover no-repeat;\"}{img src=\"\/images\/Nizhny-Novgorod_ru.png\" style=\"opacity:0;width:100%;height:100%;\"}{\/div}"]

Nizhny-Novgorod ruGulli and Co. is planning to begin construction in 2013 of a large logistics center for distributing Italian goods across Russia. The accompanying declaration of intent was signed two months ago in Venice during an official visit of a delegation from Nizhegorodsy region to Italy. Marco Gulli, the head of the company, met with representatives of the region's ministry of investment policy for discussing possible forms of collaboration with local logistics operators and the participation of Gulli and Co. in investment projects in the region.

Representatives of the company have also inspected potential construction sites. However, the Italians are for now not rushing to make a decision, although they do note the beneficial investment climate in the region, as well as the support of local authorities. They currently await information on sanitation and customs control. It is also important for them to have approach lines and access to the railroad. The decision can only be made on the basis of analysis of an aggregate of factors. The logistics center will cost more than 200 million euros.


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