
Voronezhselmash is implementing laser technology.

06 сентября 2012
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ip maslovskiVoronezhselmash is preparing new tasks for its new manufacturing complex in Maslovsky industrial park. Fitted with modern equipment, the manufacturing complex will be situated on more than 8 ha and will begin work in September of this year. The undertaking includes unique optical laser sorters as part of its product line, which are meant to clean kernels of rice. This is a development of specialists from Voronezhselmash and has no analogs anywhere else in the world.

Fluorescent lamps are traditionally used in photo-separators. The use of lasers will allow the factory to shine light through each rice kernel detect hidden defects. Applying this highly effective sorting process will significantly shorten technological supply chain and improve the quality of separation. Optical laser sorting can also be applied in chemical, recycling, and mining segments.


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