
The 4th Belorussian Transportation and Logistics Forum will take place in October.

06 сентября 2012
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phone1The 4th Belorussian Transportation and Logistics Forum will take place in Minsk's soccer arena from October 2-4, 2012. Specialized international exhibitions on transportation and logistics and on logistics engineering will be on display as part of the forum. The Belorussian Transportation Congress will also take place. According to the organizers, the forum will hold an important place in the development of logistics systems and transportation infrastructure in the Republic of Belarus. It will also help with the implementation of innovation technology and attracting foreign investment that is capable of facilitating growth in the volume of transportation cargo.

Last year's forum demonstrated products and technologies from about 100 companies from 10 different countries. Attendees rated the expositions of Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Latvia, Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, and Switzerland. Participants demonstrated all types of modern transportation equipment, design technology, construction of transportation communications, a wide spectrum of services for passenger and cargo transportation, as well as information technology for transportation and logistics.


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