
An industrial park is preparing for launch in Bashkortostan.

06 сентября 2012
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Coat of Arms of BashkortostanEvgeny Mavrina, the Republic's minister of economic development, and Farit Fazylov, head of the Blagoveshensky area, visited the Polief factory.  The goal of the visit was to inspect the area for the industrial park.  The factory has constructed good logistics, approach lines, a railroad, and a automobile road in close proximity.  The first phase of space for announced residents is already almost ready.

The industrial park will use vacant manufacturing space for housing chemical factories and industrial refinery of polymers.  Manufacturing of polyethylene outputs will become the first project on the territory of the new industrial park.  Polief factory will not stop its own manufacturing.  Polief is the only Russian manufacturer of terephthalic acid, which serves as a raw input for manufacturing various polyester products. 

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