
Warehouse logistics are developing in the Urals

05 сентября 2012
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uralThe crisis has passed and serious logistics projects have started to appear in the Ural region. In Chelyabansk the construction of Yuzhnouralsky Complex is being planned and Chkalovsky Complex has been commissioned in Sverdlovsk. According to experts, the two Ural regions must coordinate their actions in order to create a fully functional transportation corridor. In the Middle Urals about 580,000 sq m of warehouse space are functioning, of which 200,000 sq m are apart of Pyshma Logistics Park.

One of the largest projects is a cargo terminal in the Koltsovo Airport with an area of 19,000 sq m, which in time should grow to the size of Pyshma. The construction of a logistics park for RZD in the Urals is also being planned. The project foresees the creation of a customs center, a container terminal, a terminal for inert materials, and a universal warehouse complex. Such a massive appearance of significant logistics projects can be explained by the emergence of Ekaterinburg as a federal transit junction and by the significant growth in cargo flows.


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