
Blagoveshensky logistics park reported its totals for the first half of the year.

05 сентября 2012
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blagoveshenskBlagoveshensky trade and customs port estimated the totals of its operations for the first six months of the year. The arrivals area from January to June processed 27% more automobiles than during the same period of the previous year and processed 32% more semi-trucks. Blagoveshensky customs and logistics terminal will celebrate one year since its opening this autumn -- it was opened November 30, 2011. The project was initiated and financed by RFP Group, which includes Amursky shipping line and Blagoveshensk trade port.

The terminal's territory takes up 23 ha. A building for customs processing and control is located thereon, as are warm warehouses for temporary storage and container storage space. A railroad line and a special loading platform will be constructed in this year, for which 10 million rub. ($333,333) has been allocated.


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