
A new renter will appear in Shushary logistics complex.

05 сентября 2012
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shushariLear Corporation has taken 5,000 sq m of warehouse space in Shushary logistics complex for storing its products. The company is the world's leading distributer of automotive seats and electric automobile systems. Among its clients is all the man players of the European market of automobile manufacturers: Peugeot y Citroen MAN, BMW, Ford, Volkswagen, Opel, DaimlerChrysler, Renault. The exclusive broker of the deal was Maris. Shushary logistics complex belongs to Raven Russia and is located in the town of the same name close to the St. Petersburg - Moscow highway.

Shushary is known as a large industrial platform where a series of automobile manufacturers and logistics terminals are focused. MAN, General Motors, Toyota, and Scania all have factories there, which offers big opportunities to Lear Corporation and a series of its clients to decrease logistics costs. Aside from this, a large collection of transportation companies operate in Shushary, which is also beneficial from a logistics perspective.


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