
A Chinese industrial park will be constructed in Russia.

05 сентября 2012
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kitaiskii indparkA Chinese manufacturer of semi-conductor lighting from Shenzhen is initiating a project to construct its own industrial park in Russia. The project is estimated at $500 million and should provide enterprises from Shenzhen with a road to the Russian market. The first phase of the project will give Russian LED manufacturers the opportunity to deploy their products to about 10 Chinese companies.

Russia is the 10th largest export market for Shenzhen and has mature economic times with this city, which is China's second largest industrial manufacturer and specializes in electric furnishings and electronics industry. The industrial park project will be organized by the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which includes as active members Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan. Observer nations include Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, and Mongolia. Belorus and Turkey are dialog partners of the Organization.


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