
A modern poultry farm will be built in the Chelyabinsky region.

05 сентября 2012
["{div class=objectGalleryCell style=\"background:url(\/images\/zdorovaya_ferma.jpg) center center \/ cover no-repeat;\"}{img src=\"\/images\/zdorovaya_ferma.jpg\" style=\"opacity:0;width:100%;height:100%;\"}{\/div}"]

zdorovaya fermaZdorovaya Farm, a group of companies, will build a modern poultry farm by the beginning of next year in the Kunashaksy area of the Chelyabinsky region. The project, which is unique to Russia, has received investments of 7 billion rub. ($230 million). Mikhail Yurevich, the governor of the region, says that this is a large sum for agriculture. The poultry farm will be built from the ground up on what is now a wasteland.

This will be the beginning of developing livestock and other connected segments of the economy for the Kunashaksky area, which is currently weak as far as agriculture is concerned, and will also provide new jobs with good wages. The complex will also contain administrative buildings, refrigerated warehouses, a slaughterhouse and refinery facility, an aviary, and an incubator. The production facilities should produce 70,000 tons of meat per year. Right now the entire Chelyabinsk region produces 200,000 tons of poultry meat annually. The new poultry farm will at its very roots differ from enterprises built on the basis of old Soviet facilities because it is being built from the ground up and will have sound logistics.


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