
The governor of the Ulyanovsky region visited the industrial park on the territory of DAAZ

22 августа 2012
["{div class=objectGalleryCell style=\"background:url(\/images\/sergei_morozov.jpg) center center \/ cover no-repeat;\"}{img src=\"\/images\/sergei_morozov.jpg\" style=\"opacity:0;width:100%;height:100%;\"}{\/div}"]

sergei morozovThe visit of the head of the region to the industrial park took place during his working trip to Dimitrovgrad.  Representatives of local factories and authorities also took part in the meeting. Sergei Morozov, the governor of the region, especially noted that the Dimitrovgradsky auto-aggregate plant is the most important strategic enterprise in the region and creating an industrial park on its territory is an ambitious project without analogies.  As a result, a modern automobile parts factory for Russian and foreign automobiles should be created.

At the current time the process of receiving nominations for supplying models of AvtoVAZ, Reno, and Nissan another large auto-manufacturers.  The governor announced that for the region's authorities it is especially important to create comfortable living conditions for the industrial park's employees and supply their families with school, especially considering that about 1,000 individuals are planned to be hired.

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